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I'm a little cookie, yes i am and i was made by the cookie man and on my way from the cookie pan. a little piece broke off of me but i can taste just as good, uh-huh as a regular cookie can.

Confusing Night x ! // Monday 27 August 2012
Hi . Its too late for me to sleeping . I dnt know why im still stay up late . i cant sleep . By the way , tomorrow i have last paper on my trial examination , tht is subject 'Perdagangan' . i hope i can answer the question perfectly :)  I've been tring to figure out what I did yesterday but seems like I couldn't remember anything . I hope everything is fine. And I hope I'm not late going to school tomorrow like I did on 28 August . so , goodnight everyone :) have a great day x. Goodnight Moon , Eiffel , and world ;) x.

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